By Wadie Aitah

After losing more than 90 pounds and investing hundreds of hours in studying food science, I can tell you firsthand that the secret to weight loss lies in the food we eat. While losing weight, I didn’t focus on counting carbs, calories, or spending hours at the gym, Instead, I focused on what I was eating, I did not go to the gym one day. I simply unlocked the code to weight lose by knowing how the body reacts to food.
Gym Fever
In today’s world, we often hear people say, "I want to lose weight, so I’ll just go to the gym." Many believe that simply working out will help them shed pounds, as if there is a direct relationship between gym attendance and weight loss. But here's the truth: working out and losing weight are two entirely different things. You can spend hours at the gym, but if your goal is to lose weight, you're wasting your time.
It’s tempting to believe that all we need to do is work out regularly and the weight will simply melt away. In reality, food is the main contributing factor to weight gain. The core of weight loss is not about how much you work out, but about what you put in your mouth.
While exercise is crucial for overall health, fitness, and maintaining muscle mass, it doesn’t directly translate to weight loss. If you want to lose weight, you must start by looking closely at what you’re eating.
The key is simple: choose foods with fewer ingredients, and make sure those ingredients are healthy. Whole foods are your best option. If you have to buy packaged food, always check the label and scrutinize the ingredients. The fewer ingredients, the better. If you can’t pronounce what’s in it, it’s probably not something your body needs.
Why Many People Fail to Listen
Here’s the hard truth: many people don’t want to hear this. They’re not interested in the real path to weight loss because it challenges their lifestyle and the foods they love. They want to eat whatever they want—pasta, rice, bread, junk food—and still expect to lose weight by hitting the gym, they think that a pill can take care of the problem, this kind of thinking is fundamentally flawed.
If you continue eating processed foods, refined sugars, and dairy food while hoping that exercise will magically make you lose weight, you're setting yourself up for disappointment. You can’t keep eating the same food and expect different results.
The Reality: No Quick Fixes
There’s no magic pill or weight loss powder that will make you lose weight overnight. Gym memberships, supplements, and weight loss products are often marketed as quick fixes, quick fixes don't address the root cause of weight gain, those products exist to make money and not to improve your health. In fact, many so-called "weight loss" products are filled with sugar and artificial ingredients that could be sabotaging your efforts, as a matter of fact, many of weight loss products has a long-time harmful effect on the body. Don't become a victim to those unethical practices.
The Danger of Sugar, Refined Carbs, and Dairy
If you're serious about losing weight, there are a few foods you absolutely need to avoid:
- Sugar: Not just the obvious sugary snacks and drinks, all foods that contain sugar, foods like pasta, rice, and bread, these foods break down into sugar in your body, contributing to fat storage resulting in weight gain.
- White Flour: Found in most breads and pasta, white flour is processed, and when consumed in large quantities, it spikes your blood sugar and leads to fat storage as well.
- Dairy Products: While some people can tolerate dairy, for many, dairy can cause inflammation, bloating, and weight gain. If you’re trying to lose weight, it’s worth eliminating dairy from your diet and seeing the difference it makes. If that is not possible, keep it to minimum. For me it was a complete elimination, especially cheese, go ahead and stop eating cheese for a month and see the results for yourself. Cheese is a major contribute to having a bad cholesterol.
Yes, this means cutting out a lot of foods that many people love. But think about it, our ancestors were healthier, stronger and enjoyed longevity, our ancestors did not consume most of the food that we consume today. If you are serious about losing weight and be healthy, you have to make changes to your food consumption habits. You can’t keep indulging in unhealthy eating habits and expect to see positive changes in your body.
My Weight Loss Journey: The Power of Simplicity
I have lost over 90 pounds by doing three main things:
- Fasting: I incorporated intermittent fasting into my routine, allowing my body to burn fat more efficiently.
- Eliminating Sugar: I completely cut out sugar. No more candy, chocolate bars, sugary drinks, or processed foods with added sugars, as well as pasta, rice and bread.
- Eating Protein and Fiber: My main meals consisted of high-quality proteins (chicken, beef, fish) and plenty of fiber-rich vegetables.
In doing so, I've watched my waist shrink from size 46 to 38, my weight went down from 310 to 220, in less than 6 months period, and my belly fat gradually disappeared. To tell the truth, my main objective was to eat healthy, as a result, I lost weight and transformed my health by reducing my blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and glucose level dramatically. This lifestyle change allowed me to break free from the potential risk of developing diabetes, hypertension, and heart disease—all of which I was on the brink of before making these changes. The best part, at 46 years old, I'm always feeling good and energetic, my thinking and focus is clear, no brain fog, my mental and spiritual health is sky high as well, because there is no guilt factor of eating unhealthy food.
The Mental Shift: Weight Loss Starts in Your Mind
Losing weight isn’t just about what your body does; it’s about what’s happening in your mind. To lose weight and keep it off, you have to mentally commit to a healthier lifestyle. Your mind must be aligned with your goals before your body can follow through.
In our society, we’re constantly bombarded with food advertisements and enticing images of fast food and unhealthy snacks. These companies are preying on our desires to eat for pleasure, but they don’t care about your long-term health. Their only goal is profit. This is why it’s so important to stay strong and make conscious choices about what you put into your body. You mustn't listen to your subconscious mind devilish decisions inducing you to unhealthy eating, keep strong.
The Truth About the Gym: Exercise Helps, but It’s Not Enough
Let’s be clear: exercise is great for your health, it helps strengthen muscles, improve heart health, and boost your energy, when combined with healthy food choices, but the answer to your weight losing struggle lies in the quality of the food that you consume, not in the hours you spend at the gym.
Conclusion: It’s in the Food You Eat
If you want to lose weight and keep it off, forget the myth that the gym is the solution. Focus on what you’re eating, cut out sugar, avoid processed foods, and embrace a diet full of protein and fiber. This may not be easy at first, but it’s the only path to sustainable weight loss and better health.
If you’re not ready to make these changes, that’s okay, you can gradually adapt a healthy lifestyle, but don’t expect to see results if you're not willing to change your eating habits, your health and longevity depend on it. Train your mind and body to choose healthy alternatives, instead of a bag of chips an apple is a better choice.
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