Lentil Pasta with Ground Beef


Lentil Pasta made of Lentil Flour (250 g)

Ground Beef 93% Meat, 7% Lean (1 IB.)

Chopped Garlic (as desired)

Chopped Red Onion (as desired)

Peas (100 g)

Carrots (100 g)

Corn (100 g)

Tomatoes (2 whole tomatoes)

Olive Oil (2 Tablespoons)

Lemon Juice (1/2 cup)

Pink Hamalian Salt, Cummins, Turmeric, coriander and nutmeg (1 teaspoon)  


Chicken and Mushroom Stuffed Tomato 

Chicken Breast (2)

Mushroom (200g)

Whole Tomato (as desired) 

Parsley (half a bunch)

Chopped Garlic (as desired) 

Chopped Red Onions (as desired)

Olive Oil (2 Tablespoons)

Lemon Juice (1/2 a cup)

Pink Hamalian Salt, Cummins, Turmeric, coriander and nutmeg (1 teaspoon)  

Chicken Drumsticks Salad

Chicken Drumsticks (as desired)

Salad (your choice)

Olive Oil (2 Tablespoons)

Lemon Juice (1/2 a cup)

Pink Hamalian Salt